We were taken by the smell of the wood fire, and followed by my nose and hungry instincts, we end up at a local, family run pide restaurant at Milas. After all that rush at pazar and the morning kokoreç has left us hungry, so we stopped for a bite, followed by many, at Nazar Pide ve Döner Salonu.
Filled with locals and especially students parents alike, greeted with smiling faces and picked our table, so I rushed inside to the kitchen where the pide is being prepared.
A very young but on the controversy talented usta was working hands full, rolling, turning over with smooth hand moves, the dough, soon we were amazed how thin and crispy it is. Finishing one and starting another, made me even more hungry. So I returned to my table, watching people passing by, with their hands full of vegetable and fruit bags.
They have sorts of pide for every taste, but the çökelek peyniri- parsley and mincemeat were my two favorites. So we ordered one each.
Our table was served immediately with a refreshing salad and wood dried hot and crunchy chilies. How I love a bite of that, that fiercely hot woody scent filled my mouth and my eyes with tears, leaving my lips numb.
By the time we gulped down half of our meal, I started eyeballing the horizontal döner, making comments and raising questions, overheard by our waiter, we were served a small tasting portion of it. What a kind gesture!
The meat was succulent and cooked to perfection, moist and tasty. Now is the time to confess I usually do not like the horizontal döner, because of my many bad experiences with cağ kebabı at Erzurum, though I know they are not the same with the meat thickness and meat choice. But this meat was nothing like to awaken my bad taste memory.
So we ordered dürüm, a döner wrap as a dessert.
Our expectations were exceeded so were our tummies.
Address: Ismetpaşa Mah. Müştakbey Cad. No:7, Milas – Muğla
Phone: (0252) 513 0138