When we were kids…
The Bayram morning was always an early rise! The earlier, the more money you start collecting, oops, I mean sweets! After getting dressed and with our best attire, and best behaviour, we started kissing the family member’s hands – el öpme– it is a ritual, respect and courtesy in a traditional way shown to elderly, then they serve us chocolates wrapped in colorful papers, sugar coated almonds, fruit jellies, Turkish Delight, fondant, akide şekeri... After this ritual my granny used to give me a hanker-chief which has money tucked inside! (and surely I spent that money on sweets as well!) Çifte bayram, double celebration in one go!
After celebrating our families’ bayram, we visited the neighbours, the rituals continued all day… So we had the whole 3 days kissing hands, collecting and eating candies, having tummy aches, running and shouting like crazy after all that sugar intake and receiving more hanker-chiefs!
Wishing us all a great Bayram with our loved ones! İyi Bayramlar!