No, we are not going to Hatay, yet it is another colorful pazar in İzmir. Up at the hills of İzmir, Hatay Pazarı was set up on Thursdays.
Kekik 2 kinds -oregano and thyme-, karabaş -lavandula stoechas- on the right corner, for making tea… the locals say that it is good for headaches and colds, widely sold. I like to buy bunches and put in my vases, they are so pretty.
Why don’t you take my picture she said, holding a bunch of ısırgan -nettle- on one hand and kuzukulağı -sorrel- on the other…
Bags full of arapsaçı –wild fennel- by the time we left pazar there were none.
right next to hindiba -curly endive- hardal otu -wild mustard or charlock- for making salad, leeks…
one of the reason I wanted to go to pazar is tilkişen -wild asparagus- on the left and on the right acı ot -bitter green, bitter ivy-
artichokes, everywhere… heaven!
my dream car, yellow, old and full of artichokes!
happy esnaf… love Ege, love İzmir…