Good, clean and fair fish…
As Fikir Sahibi Damaklar of Slow Food, we had started our well known campaign to save our Lüfer of Bosphorus for the next generations on 2010… It wasn’t just any campaign but it took guts; guts to challenge, question, defy against the fishmongers and authorities of fish, to tell them, to make them believe that there is an end to fish and many species are about to extinct because of overfishing, not giving time for them to lay eggs and breed! When we started, we were a bunch of people, and one leader who made the difference, Defne Koryürek, whom without her persistency and passion we wouldn’t have gotten where we are now.
Lüfer, as I described before here, is not any fish for us “… our commitment to participate in this just war to stop the extinction of Lüfer, the fish of the kings, the king of the fish!”
After 3 years, here we are hosting the regional Slow Fish Istanbul where we will be hosting communities from 10 different countries, the speakers will be sharing the same starting point; fish,fishing, sustainability, reminding the lost relationship between nature and man, removing the nations’ borders and talking geographical similarities. Also creating a network amongst people who share the same fate, same waters, same problems…
Slow Fish Istanbul will be held at Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall, between October 17th – 20th. Talking about a possible sustainable future on fishing and seafood culture; cooks, academicians, fishmongers, consumers, every one who feels they can change the world will be there, this means also, you. I am truly very excited to be a speaker on this event as well. The attendance is free and open to all.
A little recipe contest, c’mon!
In the mean time we have a little contest going on. Benim Balığım -my fish- is not only a recipe contest about local fish varieties like hamsi, sardalya, izmarit, istavrit – anchovy, sardine, pickarel, horse mackerel- but also about their household stories told in your family from generations today learning form each other, sharing memories. Please send you recipe as well, talk about eating, buying, cooking fish in your family, ask your mothers, grannies, let them tell you! Do not be shy, we are here to share, there is no wrong recipe or a stupid story! benimbaligim.com
Some links
Here is the detailed programme in English: Slow Fish Istanbul
We have some cool movies, documentaries on the 4 day program as well, click here for the detailed list of the movies.
Slow Fish FB page
Address: Boğaziçi University, Rumeli Hisarı, Istanbul
Map of Boğaziçi University, Albert Long Hall
We are Fikir Sahibi Damaklar, you may follow our activities from our FB page